Classroom Economy
Fourth grade will use a classroom economy system during this school year. Through using this, we will be teaching the students: financial responsibility, organization, saving, critical thinking, as well as meet many 4th grade standards. It is a great hands on way to experience these skills! With the classroom money the kids will design, the students will be able to earn money through having a job, as well as through bonus cash by showing PRIDE and putting effort into their work. On the other hand, students who don't meet classroom expectations will be fined. Fines could include things such as not showing PRIDE, missing homework or classwork, etc. Students will be able to purchase different activities such as listening to music in class, eating lunch with the teacher, etc. As a class, they will also be working to earn money towards a whole class reward. Don't be surprised if your child comes home with questions about money. You might find it a great opportunity to have a thoughtful discussion about financial responsibility.
We will be celebrating the birthday girl/boy in class in many ways. Students will get a small present from me, and each student will write a positive note for your child. Please do not send in treats; this is against school policy, as we are trying to promote healthy celebrations, and it would not be fair for the students who follow this policy or have food allergies.
Students are more than welcome to bring a healthy snack to eat during our recess. They'll bring it outside with them to their recess, so a disposable container may be helpful for your child. There are plenty of trash cans on and around the playground. Students can also bring a water bottle to school each day. Water will be the only drink students will be allowed to bring in the classroom. This will help prevent messy spills, as well as encourage students to make good choices while remaining hydrated.
A weekly update will be sent every Friday. If you need to contact me for any reason, please feel free to email me at