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Literacy Core Curriculum

Benchmark Advanced is aligned with Science of Reading research. Our core language arts programs provide a cohesive structure for the development of literacy and content knowledge.

Our structured literacy programs are standards-aligned and informed by the latest research into the science of reading. They feature vertically aligned units that empower students to engage deeply with a topic to build skills within and across grades. Topics are knowledge-based, expanding both general and academic vocabulary in support of reading, writing, and constructive conversation.

Spiraled mini-lessons integrate new and previously learned skills using topic-based unit texts and resources. Language foundations are reinforced through explicit phonics and word study instruction that is linked to authentic reading and writing practice, with reading and writing independence achieved through gradual release of responsibility from whole-group to small-group/independent time.

Programs feature culturally responsive instruction and equitable resources, engendering a sense of community through reflective dialogue as they expand knowledge. Diverse authors and illustrators share authentic stories that reflect students’ own experiences and broaden their perspectives. Accessibility tools, multi-modal learning opportunities, embedded differentiation, and targeted intervention scaffold instruction

Benchmark Phonics

Based on the latest Science of Reading research, Benchmark Phonics Intervention aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, shown to be beneficial for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.

Math Resources—Ready Math

Ready Common Core Mathematics helps teachers create a rich classroom environment in which students at all levels become active, real-world problem solvers. Through teacher-led instruction, students develop mathematical reasoning, engage in discourse, and build strong mathematical habits. The program’s instructional framework supports educators as they strengthen their teaching practices and facilitates meaningful discourse that encourages all learners.

Ready Common Core Mathematics

  • Encourages students to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts through the embedded Standards for Mathematical Practice
  • Builds on students’ prior knowledge with lessons that make connections within and across grade levels and directly address the major focus of the grade
  • Ready Mathematics 6–8, ©2020 Edition provides additional features for supporting English Learners, such as: 
    • English Language Development guidelines on scaffolding language use during instruction to benefit students at different levels of English proficiency
    • Language routines that integrate language and mathematics
    • Concept development activities that allow students of varying mathematical and English language abilities to build on familiar concepts


  • Do the MathDo The Math helps students develop the skills they need to compute with accuracy and efficiency, the number sense they need to reason, and the ability to apply their skills and reasoning to solve problems. 
  • Reflex Math: Adaptive and individualized, Reflex is the most effective system for mastering basic facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for grades 2+. Full of games that students love, Reflex takes students at every level and helps them quickly gain math fact fluency and confidence. And educators and parents love the powerful reporting that allows them to monitor progress and celebrate success.

Science and Social Studies

The Colorado Academic Standards serve as a starting point for content areas of study for each grade.

  • Stem Scopes
  • Balanced Assessments: Our teachers use a variety of assessments to guide their instruction in the classrooms including but not limited to; teacher created assessments, i-Ready , CMAS, School-wide writing rubrics, performance tack and inquiry-based projects.
  • i-Ready: i-Ready makes the promise of differentiated instruction a practical reality for teachers and students. It was designed to get students excited about learning, and to support teachers in the challenge of meeting the needs of all learners. Through the power of one intuitive system whose pieces were built from the ground up to work together, teachers have the tools they need to ensure students are on the road to proficiency. In a single program, i-Ready:
    • integrates powerful assessments and rich insights with effective and engaging instruction in reading and mathematics to address students’ individual needs.
    • empowers teachers every day to make more informed instructional decisions.
    • motivates students with access to their own personalized path to growth.