Gifted and Talented Information
The Douglas County School District uses a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework to guide instructional decisions in order to meet the needs of all learners, including those with advanced learning needs. Through a Multi-Tiered System of Support, Prairie Crossing provides a continuum of programming for Gifted and Talented learners. Programming options include, but are not limited to accelerated/differentiated content, flexible groupings based on abilities and interests, and independent study and projects. Programming delivery is within the regular classroom setting and may possibly include small pull out groups.
On this page you will find gifted and talented resources for parents and teachers. Feel free to contact PCE's Gifted Education Facilitator, Amy Camp at [email protected], if you have specific questions or have resources to share.
What is an ALP (Advanced Learning Plan)?
An ALP is an Advanced Learning Plan. All students that are identified as Gifted Learners will have an ALP. The decision to create an ALP comes from an identification process that looks at a body of evidence, which includes many data points including: CogAT, classroom work/assessments, other standardized measures, input from classroom teachers, parents and the student.
At Prairie Crossing, we create ALPs for students that have gone through the gifted identification process and qualify. The ALP is written with the Gifted Education Facilitator, Amy Camp, in collaboration with classroom teachers, students, and parents. An ALP formalizes the differentiated programming the student will receive in their identified area, as well as affective needs.
Gifted identification can begin with a referral form from a parent, teacher, or student. If you believe your child may be a Gifted Learner, please use the link below to begin the gifted identification process.
English Referral Form
Spanish Referral Form
What does Gifted Programming look like at PCE?
At Prairie Crossing, we create ALPs for students who have gone through the Gifted Identification process and qualify as a gifted learner. The ALP formalizes the differentiation the classroom teacher does for the student in their identified area(s), as well as affective needs.
Most of the differentiation happens in the classroom with the classroom teacher. Students with ALPs may meet in small group for enrichment opportunities with Mrs. Camp. These groups will focus on the academic areas, affective skills, and also on developing critical thinking skills, collaboration, and creating connections with peers. These enrichment opportunities will be in addition to the differentiation already happening in the classrooms.
What is Role of the Gifted Education Facilitator?
Our roles as Gifted Education Facilitators are to support our teachers with differentiation ideas and resources to meet the needs of our students with Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) and those needing advanced academics or enrichment. We may also provide some enrichment opportunities to students with ALPs in a small group setting during grade level DLT times. Our roles also include coordinating the gifted identification process, the CogAT assessment, as well as facilitating the writing and updating of the ALPs. If a parent is interested in applying for the Discovery Program, we are able to help with that process as well. Please feel free to contact either one or us with questions.
Please feel free to contact us via email [email protected] or [email protected].
What is the CogAT?
All students in the Douglas County School District in second and sixth grade (or fifth grade if an elementary does not have a sixth grade) are given the CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) as a universal screen for early intervention. If there is a need for a student to take the CogAT in another grade due to teacher recommendation or parent request, it is possible for students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 to take the CogAT. Testing outside the universal screening (grades 2 and 6) is solely for the purpose of Gifted Identification.
At this time, the CogAT is only given to sixth grade and students in the Gifted and Talented Referral process in fall. Second grade will take the assessment in the spring. If you would like to begin the gifted identification process, you may access the Prairie Crossing Referral Form linked below.
English Referral Form
Spanish Referral Form
Discovery Program
The application process for the 2025-2026 school year will be open soon.
The DCSD Elementary Discovery Program is a center based gifted program designed to meet the needs of highly advanced gifted elementary school students (grades 2 - 6) who require intensity of instruction and acceleration beyond what can reasonably be expected from gifted programming and services provided through their school.
Visit the DCSD Discovery Program page for more information.
Gifted Education Resources
Douglas County School District Gifted Programming Website
Douglas County Association of Gifted and Talented (DCAGT)
Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented (CAGT)
National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC)
Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)
Colorado Department of Education- Gifted Information